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Lafayette Murder Trial: What Does an Interrogation and Jail Call Reveal?

Metz and Hill, who were dating, were found shot dead inside separate burning cars in the Scott and Carencro areas on June 21, 2016. Here's more information in the Lafayette Murder Trial.

A gavel comes down

Prosecutors played a jailhouse call the accused, Willis, made to a woman once incarcerated. Willis instructed the woman to go to his home, get something from under the bed and collect other items from the kitchen, including something stashed in an Oreo box above the microwave and other items in a bag below the microwave.

On Tuesday, Det. Joey Graciana testified that investigators executed a search warrant on Willis’s residence after listening to the call and followed his instructions, locating a firearm in the Oreo box and a cellphone, keys and other items in a bag stored below the microwave, as well as an ammonia bottle and gas can in the kitchen.

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